Honig’s Puppet CEO Elliot Maza settles with the SEC

UPDATE 3.29.19: BioZone executive Brian Keller has also settled with the SEC. Judge Ramos approved the settlement today which bars Keller from participating in penny stock offerings and from being a director or officer of a penny stock company. Keller has a PHD and was the Chief Scientific Officer of Biozone. Original Text A member […]


Honig’s broker dealer Laidlaw target of FBI investigation

A bio-pharma company based in Massachusetts is the newest stock to be tied to a ring of small cap fraudsters lead by Barry Honig. Yesterday I reported Eloxx Pharmaceuticals ($ELOX) is being sued for fraud in relation to a securities transaction from 2017 that directly involves accused pump and dumpster Barry Honig and Philip Frost. […]


Barry Honig & Eloxx Pharma stock fraud case moves to Discovery : $ELOX

UPDATE 3.23.20 Federal judge Richard G. Andrews for the district of Delaware made a final ruling today allowing the case for securities fraud against Barry C. Honig and his puppet CEO David Rector to go forward. This means that microcap bad actor Honig will be forced to go through discovery for his alleged role in […]


Greenwich Tennis Competitor’s dad Gordon Caplan arrested in Operation Varsity Blues

Rachel Treibick Caplan

UPDATE: 10.3.19 – Gordon Caplan was sentenced to one month in jail and agreed to a suspension of his law license while the NY Bar investigates. Federal prosecutors had asked the judge for eight month of jail time. UPDATE 4.5.19: Gordon Caplan is the first parent to admit guilt. His attorney circulated this statement today: […]


NY Journalist wins lawsuit to unseal court docs tied to Bruce Bernstein Securities Fraud Case: $XSPA

UPDATE 4.2.19: After I won a lawsuit to unseal documents that showed Bruce Bernstein and Richard Abbe mislead investors and the Securities Exchange Commission in public filings another original investor in XpresSpa has filed a similar lawsuit against the $XSPA board and its executives. Swiss resident Roman Kainz filed his securities fraud suit on March […]


Team Honig’s Mark Groussman settles with SEC

Mark E. Groussman, long time investment partner of microcap fraudster Barry Honig has given up his fight with the Securities and Exchange Commission who accused Groussman of being part of an long running pump and dump scheme. On Feb 1st the SEC notified federal district court Judge Ramos that Groussman has agreed to a five […]


Iroquois’ Richard Abbe quits XpresSpa while company battles Fraud Lawsuit

An XpresSpa board member, Richard Abbe of Iroquois Capital, has quit the company board during the middle of a heated legal battle accusing board members of deception, undue influence, and fraud. The day before his resignation Abbe, who is named personally in the lawsuit, took the extra step to retain his own lawyer in the […]


NY Court Case putting Journalist Source Protection At Risk

UPDATE 3.4.19: The New York Daily News is reporting 16 other news organizations have joined my fight to unseal this case and to defend the reporters privilege to protect sources. On March 1st legendary media attorney David Schultz, who leads the Yale Media Freedom and Information Access Clinic, filed an AMICUS brief on behalf of […]
