Greenwich Powerball Trustees Are Starting a Hedge Fund

It looks like the newly minted mega-millionaire Belpointe Boys are getting adventures with all their new found fame. Rop Copeland at AR Magazine pointed out this week they’ve hired a trader with a fancy euro name, Herve van Caloen, to raise money and start a long short international equity fund. Maybe some of those Powerball […]


Did Belpointe Asset Managers Lie About Winning CT Powerball?

A London-owned newspaper broke news this morning that the Greenwich money managers who showed up to claim a $254 million Connecticut Powerball lotto ticket didn’t actually win the money. Instead, commercial real estate broker Tom Gladstone says Belpointe’s Brandon Lacoff told him they are just managing the money for a client. Daniel Bates of the […]


PwC Says NIR Group Doesn’t Have Access to Dealer Market

NIR Group hasn’t had access to the broker dealer market since February. I reported this nugget of news last week for DealFlow’s The PIPEs Report after investors in the AJW Funds explained this is what court appointed Cayman Islands liquidator, PwC, is now telling them. If NIR founder, Corey Ribotsky, knew clearing firms and broker […]


Lawsuit shows more Fraud and Coverup from Bear’s Mortgage Team

This summer I wrote a story for DealFlow’s The Distressed Debt Report warning more whistleblowers have come forward to spell out how Tom Marano’s mortgage team at Bear Stearns knowingly threw out any form of loan level due diligence while packaging and selling residential mortgage backed securities years before the 2008 financial crisis. When investors […]


Why is NIR Group Selling Investments for Little Cash Down?

NIR Group is offering sweet deals to third party funds who will convert their PIPE notes for them. I reported on one of the firesale deals this week for DealFlow Media and am still left wondering why NIR is asking for so little money down. To read the details of the deal, based on transaction […]


Did New Canaan Patch Hold a Bank Fraud story to Appease Advertisers?

Yesterday the FDIC took depositions of borrowers who say Fred DeCaro Jr. and his son Fred DeCaro III committed serious lending violations while running now failed USA Bank. The publicly traded institution which focused on construction lending to some of Greenwich and New Canaan McMansion developers, was the subject of an investigative report I published […]


Occupy Wall Street’s New Bank Responds to Reports

It took them more than 24 hours but Occupy Wall Street’s new Union owned bank has decided to respond to reports that an FDIC enforcement action showed some not so safe banking practices. I’ve still been denied an interview with any of the banks newly placed executives nor have they answered questions about the glaring […]


Occupy Wall Street’s New Bank Under FDIC Enforcement Action

Occupy Wall Street has deposited donated funds in New York-based Amalgamated Bank but the FDIC has a bulls eye on the bank’s executives. At the end of August the federal regulator issued a scathing enforcement action calling for a third party review of the banks management and issuing a directive for the bank to lower […]
