It looks like the newly minted mega-millionaire Belpointe Boys are getting adventures with all their new found fame. Rop Copeland at AR Magazine pointed out this week they’ve hired a trader with a fancy euro name, Herve van Caloen, to raise money and start a long short international equity fund. Maybe some of those Powerball […]
ContinuePwC Says NIR Group Doesn’t Have Access to Dealer Market
NIR Group hasn’t had access to the broker dealer market since February. I reported this nugget of news last week for DealFlow’s The PIPEs Report after investors in the AJW Funds explained this is what court appointed Cayman Islands liquidator, PwC, is now telling them. If NIR founder, Corey Ribotsky, knew clearing firms and broker […]
ContinueWhy is NIR Group Selling Investments for Little Cash Down?
NIR Group is offering sweet deals to third party funds who will convert their PIPE notes for them. I reported on one of the firesale deals this week for DealFlow Media and am still left wondering why NIR is asking for so little money down. To read the details of the deal, based on transaction […]
ContinueOccupy Wall Street’s New Bank Under FDIC Enforcement Action
Occupy Wall Street has deposited donated funds in New York-based Amalgamated Bank but the FDIC has a bulls eye on the bank’s executives. At the end of August the federal regulator issued a scathing enforcement action calling for a third party review of the banks management and issuing a directive for the bank to lower […]
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