Is Steven Guynn’s New Canaan Mistress a Scammer?

UPDATE3-26-12: Longevity expert Daniel Vitalis has now backed out of doing Jeannette’s next Eco Tour in Peru. The one scheduled for August that she is desperately trying to sell. His assistant told me today, “Daniel has actually decided to cancel the Peru tour due to the recent unfolding of the story with Steven Guynn. Daniel […]


O’Hora’s New Canaan GOP Leadership is still ‘My Way or The Highway’

UPDATE 4.20.12: CT GOP Executive Director Brian Cafferelli wrote to former NCRTC executive Roy Abramowitz this week informing him the State Central GOP wasn’t going to form a dispute committee to investigate the methods O’Hora used to not fill a vacant RTC seat last month.Abramowitz had filed a complaint in March with State Central after […]


O’Hora’s New Canaan RTC: Party Committee or Private Piggy Bank?

UPDATE 2-26-12: I learned Irene Barrack (NCRTC Secretary) said the committee is getting calls from concerned State Legislators since this story came out. Given the NCRTC is now scrambling to make sure other Republican in-kind donations didn’t go over the $1,000 individual per year limit it makes sense State Reps would be a little worried. […]


New Canaan Patch Editor Plays Favs for RTC Chairman O’Hora

This story has been updated because the AOL Patch editor is upset his own emails caught him in a lie and thinks he needs police protection Original Text New Canaan’s rookie Patch editor, Paul Devlin, is already playing favorites with an elected member of the town’s Republican committee and has even agreed to delete comments […]


Fashion Designer Ralph Rucci Considers Bankruptcy

Fashion Designer Ralph Rucci is having a serious cash flow problem. According to people familiar with the company Rucci has met with a bankruptcy lawyer in the last few weeks and is $6.4 million in debt with about 150 creditors breathing down his neck. He cut his 15,000 sq ft New York showroom down to […]


NIR’s Ribotsky Pigged Out on Fees while Investor Cash was Frozen

NIR Group’s court appointed liquidators, PricewaterhouseCoopers, have discovered Corey Ribotsky pigged out on fees while hundreds of mom and pop investors had their pension investments frozen. I reported this week for Long Island Business News, Ribotsky’s hometown paper, that the alleged hedgie fraudster is set to reap a whopping $52 million in fees. On top […]


SEC adds Metter’s Greenwich Radio Station as Defendant in Spongetech Fraud Suit

The SEC is playing tough with alleged penny stock scammer Michael Metter and his Business TalkRadio Network. The Securities and Exchange Commission filed court documents Thursday adding the radio business, which includes Greenwich station WGCH, as a relief defendant in the fraud case against Meter and his pump and dump stock Spongetech. The federal regulator […]
