Thanks to Readers We Got an Upgrade

A few months back I asked readers to help fund an upgrade of this news publication so the stories could come to life in photos and text that was easier to read. Now thanks to your generous donations we have a new and improved place to see what I’m reporting on. The text and graphics are built to change depending on the size of the mobile devices you are using. You’ll get the same quality of introspective news analysis and original reporting on issues of government transparency, financial crimes, and anything else I think is a matter of public interest.

I’m also created a category called ‘Correcting the Record” because after 6 years as a professional journalist reporting for multiple main stream publications I’ve been down the rabbit hole and seen how the media often fails to deliver the whole story. Either for fear of pissing off sources and advertisers or the reporter/editor simply haven’t done the research to understand what they are reporting. If you see a story you know isn’t accurately reported use my contact page and tell me about it. This type of re-reporting takes and time and money to go through document searches and figure out what’s been left out of story but I think it’s important to do.

There is also a sidebar category for ‘Trusted News’. These are publications I found to think outside of the box and deliver news that’s entertaining and worth your time. It doesn’t mean I agree with everything they write but they offer a view point I think is notable.

So if you like what you see and read here please donate. You can do so through the buttons on the right of the homepage via Bitcoins or paper money. If you want to send a check just email me and I’ll gladly tell you how to do that also. is the result of my desire to work for the reader not a soulless publishing conglomerate who cares more about pageviews than quality journalism.

If you’re wondering where my signature blue eyes went I still have them but I thought it was time for a change. That graphic on the top right is me in cartoon likeness of Lois Lane my childhood idol. And in the spirit of my alma mater (University of Southern California) I’ve chosen the color of cardinal for the website because Trojans are trained to FIGHT ON in the face of adversity and always give your best.

Thanks for reading!


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